What is a Staging site? Print

  • Staging, taxPRO, new website
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As part of your taxPRO purchase, you can have a staging website setup. A staging website is most useful if you already have a website elsewhere. If you wish to have that website running while you build your new website, make sure to select "Stage my website using a temporary sub-domain".

How does it work?
When you have a staging site, your website will be created as taxpro.YourDomain.com (for example: if your domain is joestax.com, then your staging website will be taxpro.joestax.com). So, while you build your website, your current website will continue to stay active.

What do I do next?
Once you change your nameservers or add your DNS entries at your registrar, the staging site will be setup for you. When you use our taxPRO wizard to build your site, it will be created on the staging domain name. Now, build your site normally using our wizard. Once your new site is completed, you may request a 'Professional Review' or click 'Launch' after logging in.

This will update your DNS records if you are using our nameservers, and within moments your new site will be LIVE. If your DNS records are elsewhere, we suggest opening a ticket and we can provide the proper DNS entries to launch your new site.

As well, we can do that launch for you and process the relevant information for a smooth change over to your new website. Just open a ticket at https://store.taxprowebsites.com/ticket

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